Altrix Connect is the brainchild of an inquisitive individual embarking on a quest for knowledge about Bitcoin, driven by a burning desire to unravel its mysteries. The enigmatic nature of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of this groundbreaking form of currency, captivated the founder's imagination from the start.
Initially, their fascination with this digital asset was purely academic, but as they delved deeper into its true potential, a newfound passion for Bitcoin trading took hold. Over the course of three years, they painstakingly developed effective trading strategies tailored to their needs as a Bitcoin trader. Carefully studying price patterns, identifying the key factors influencing Bitcoin pricing, and selecting the most suitable trading tools, they gradually pieced together the puzzle that would become Altrix Connect.
In 2014, the founder shared their ambitions with a close friend, who connected them with a team of skilled programmers. In just 15 months, they transformed their vision into reality, giving birth to Altrix Connect - a comprehensive hub housing all the essential resources for Bitcoin trading. Since then, the platform has undergone continuous technological advancements, empowering users to execute swift trades with just a few clicks.
The inception of Altrix Connect was driven by the founders' vision to establish a hub where crypto enthusiasts could delve into the realm of Bitcoin trading, gain valuable insights into diverse trading strategies, and ultimately embark on a seamless Bitcoin trading journey.
From its very inception, the underlying objective of this platform has been to empower traders, urging them to embrace their individual trading styles, choose their preferred Bitcoin pairs, and define their own trade parameters, nurturing an environment of autonomy and self-expression.